πŸ“‰ February 2025: Metro Municipality Records the Highest Deflation in Lampung Province! - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

TELAH RILIS! Publikasi Hasil Pencacahan Lengkap Sensus Pertanian Tahap II : Usaha Pertanian Perorangan (UTP) Subsektor Pertanian Kota Metro, Unduh disini

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πŸ“‰ February 2025: Metro Municipality Records the Highest Deflation in Lampung Province!

πŸ“‰ February 2025: Metro Municipality Records the Highest Deflation in Lampung Province!

March 4, 2025 | Other Activities

In February 2025, Metro Municipality experienced a month-to-month deflation of 0.89%, marking the highest deflation in the past year and the highest in Lampung Province this month!


The 50% discount on PLN electricity tariffs was the main contributor, accounting for 0.54% of the deflation. Additionally, price declines in red chilies, bird’s eye chilies, broiler chicken meat, live chicken, and several other commodities also played a role.


πŸ“Š For more details, check the Official Statistics Release at:

πŸ”— metrokota.bps.go.id/pressrelease

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